iOS Dependencies
Welcome to my fifth weekly newsletter.
This week's newsletter is a bit different. I am stepping away from my usual new article format and wanted to talk about a specific topic that I have some thoughts on.
In my podcast I talked about dependencies. Specifically code level ones. Think frameworks and libraries.
In my podcast I talked a bit about what I think you might want to consider when dealing with these. And I am curious to your thoughts on this. I'd rather have fewer dependecies. It keeps me flexible and over the years I have seen that most dependencies are not worth the convenience they bring when considering longer term usage.
I always feel dependencies is something you should think about like taking a calculated risk. Is the convenience of this thing worth the potential problems down the line? When yes, go for it. Do consider what would be the way out if you would rather get rid of a dependency later on.
A suggestion I might give you is to plot a dependency on two axis. Convenience and risk. A high risk dependency can be very worthwhile if it provides tons of convenience. Firebase is something that is clearly in this category. But the latest string manipulation library is likely no worth it, even when it is low risk.
Just make sure to think before adding a dependency. Ask yourself if you really need it.
Fun fact
The Swift Weekly Brief #189 was written by me.